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Happy New Year 2018!

January 5, 2018

Photo of food and drinks set out for the 2017 Neighborhood Playhouse Christmas Party.

(NP Holiday Party 2017 in the Martha Graham Dance Studio)

The students have returned from the holiday break and hit the icy ground running, as they gear up for the whirlwind second semester. The creative energy in the building is palpable, the sounds of the second year musical rehearsals waft up the stairs, full and honest emotions can be heard through the walls as the first years experience the glory of serious emotional preparation work . Students are emerging into artists before my very eyes and I am so aware of my great good fortune to be a part of the 90 year legacy of this remarkable world that is, The Neighborhood Playhouse. Happy New Year!

Photo of Faculty Member James Brill and some of his 2017-2018 1st Year, Group C, acting students.

James Brill (NP Meisner Acting Faculty) and some of his 2017-2018 1st Year Group C students. 

Photo of Executive Director and Graduate Pamela Moller Kareman with Faculty Member Gary Ramsey .

(Left to Right: Pamela Moller Kareman (NP Executive Director & Grad) with Gary Ramsey (NP Voice & Speech Faculty).)


Photo of students, faculty, alumni, and staff in the Martha Graham Dance Studio for the 2017 Christmas Party.

 (Our present students, faculty, alumni, and staff gather in the Martha Graham Dance Studio room 4A. 2018 here we come!)

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